As I travel to each county in Pennsylvania’s Twelfth Congressional District, I will lay out my political agenda

As a Congressional candidate for Pennsylvania’s Twelfth District, I have made it my mission to connect with the residents of each of our district’s 15 counties, listen to their concerns and aspirations, and work together to design a political agenda that truly responds to their needs. I strongly believe that only through such dialogues can we find common ground and move forward as a united community.

While no two counties are quite the same, I have noticed recurring themes across my travels in the Twelfth District – issues that seem to be at the forefront of our citizens’ minds. It is through these shared concerns that I have formulated my main political goals.

1. Quality Education for All

Regardless of their geographic location or family background, each child deserves access to quality education. As your representative in Congress, I will fight for increased investment in local public schools and vocational training programs. Ensuring that our students have access to the latest tools, resources, and educational opportunities will lead them on a path towards success in today’s – and tomorrow’s – job market.

2. Accessible Healthcare

Affordable healthcare is not just an urban issue but one that affects our entire district. From expanding Medicaid coverage to fighting against unnecessary red tape and rising prescription drug prices, I will work tirelessly in Washington to make sure every resident of the Twelfth District has access to affordable healthcare options.

3. Economic Growth for Small Businesses and Farms

Our district’s economy thrives on small businesses and agricultural enterprises. Therefore, it is vital to support these establishments by cutting red tape, creating fair policies that encourage growth, and providing resources such as loans and grants for expansion or modernization efforts.

4. Infrastructure Improvements

For our district to realize its full economic potential, it is crucial to invest in modern infrastructure systems. This means improving roadways, expanding public transit options within – and between – counties, increasing broadband availability in rural areas, and supporting renewable energy use.

5. Addressing the Opioid Epidemic

The opioid crisis has been ravaging communities across Pennsylvania’s Twelfth District for too long. As your Congressional Representative, I will work hard to ensure adequate funding for substance abuse prevention programs, treatment facilities, mental health services, and law enforcement initiatives designed to contain this tragic epidemic.

6. Equality & Inclusion

True progress can only be made when everyone is given an equal chance at success. As your representative, I will prioritize policies that promote social justice and equality in areas such as housing affordability; racial equity; LGBTQ+ rights; veterans’ affairs; women’s rights; immigration reform; and workers’ rights.

With these goals in mind, I will embark on my journey through each county within Pennsylvania’s Twelfth Congressional District – Adams, Bedford, Blair, Cambria, Cumberland, Franklin, Fulton, Huntingdon, Juniata, Mifflin, Perry, Somerset, Snyder, Union and York – listening carefully to your personal stories while learning what truly matters most within each unique community.

Together we can find solutions to build a brighter future for all residents of Pennsylvania’s Twelfth Congressional District. Join me on this journey as we chart a course for change – one county at a time.